It is very easy nowadays to throw the blame in
teachers when your children are not getting the results that they should have.
Because for everyone it is easy to remove the faults of things and not assume
that often we are responsible for this to happen.
To start and from my point of view, education is
acquired not only in schools but also has to come with a very good basis from
home. For example, if your son at home does not pick up his toys, you cannot
expect that in the school he will be orderly with things.
Apart from that, our educational system is based on
prohibitions and obligations and the opinion of the students do not care so
much. The system forces you to study all
with your memory for passing the subjects and I think that there are not going
in the right direction. Look at Finlandia as example. For them it is not enough just to
memorize things because all theory is
required for each practice. With that you get the hold attention of the students and also they learn more things than just study it with
memory, because the day after the exam they have completely forgotten
Definitely, I think that we should stop forcing and
imposing both things and make each subject unique and try to grab the attention
of students for they study with taste and not as an obligation. And I am sure
that we will begin to get very different results.
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